lördag, december 20, 2008


Underbart söt oemotståndlig sak från Bourjois av Paris Chanel, formad som en söt liten bok + att den t.om har en spegel inuti. Perfekt liksom! Boken heter "11 Miss Spirit" ! Inuti boken finns bilder, som visar exakt du ska applicera skuggorna snyggast!OBS: Detta är en 100% Helt ny inplastad/plomberad palett med 2 skuggor i nyanserna enligt bild. Bourjois Paris ägs av Chanel, ingår i samma företag. Deras smink säljs inte i Sverige!Sugen på att köpa den? Då kan jag tipsa om ett ultra-fynd! Nämligen, min egen Tradera-auktion. Klicka in här: UTROPS-PRIS 59kr - "KÖP NU"-PRIS 49kr. OBS: JAG SÄLJER ENDAST 100% ÄKTA VAROR, ABSOLUT INGA KOPIOR!!! Information på Engelska:
* Duo eyeshadow and contour with applicator and mirror *
1. Apply the soft, smooth shadow to enhance the upper lid in radiant colour.
2. Add the liner to accentuate your eye contour

The two formulas enhance your eyes for an intense make-up result, strength of colour for a bold statement.Let's take a break from ridiculous looking makeup and enjoy spring products done right. Bourjois Paris (a Chanel-owned company) has just introduced Petite Guide de Style, adorable eye shadow pairs. The packaging looks like a tiny booklet, and I love it for practical reasons: It takes minimal space (can even fit in your pocket), and unlike the usual plastic compact isn't prone to breaking (important when a certain kitten gets into my cabinet and starts tossing things out. I wish I were kidding).The colors are gorgeous and wearable, the combinations make sense, and the quality is great. The shadows are nicely pigmented, easy to apply and last without flaking or creasing (I use them over a primer). I could probably wear them all, with the notable exception of Coquette Rosette, a too rosy/too violet duo that doesn't agree with my coloring.The one I finally chose is the very springy Miss Spirit, that you can see in this picture. The lighter shadow has just enough peach in the beige to warm up the skin, the dark green is pretty, works well to define and complement my eyes. It's shimmery, but not overdone. Just what a (good) spring look should be.:D Kolla in, en kul Spansk Bourjois-reklam:Mer mer mer om Bourjois Paris - bakom kulisserna på ett photo-shoot:

8 kommentarer:

Mamarosa sa...

God Jul og Godt Nyttår!

Glamour-Och-Fläskpannkaka sa...

vilka vackra bilder!
asken var snygg!
Gott nytt år!

Karin sa...

Hej! Vet du hur man kollar antalet besökare? Vilken bra blogg btw!

ShopaholicNumberOne sa...

Karin: Tack :) ! Regga dig på t.ex statcounter.com

Anonym sa...

Tack så mycket!! Det ska vi tänka på :D:D!!! Tack igen ;):D

Anonym sa...

fin blogg:)

ShopaholicNumberOne sa...

emma: tack snälla du :D

Anonym sa...

sv: Tack så mycket! Jaa decleor är super bra!!